The Safe Deployment of Generative AI: A New Era of Responsibility

The safe deployment of generative AI is crucial in today's rapidly advancing technological landscape. Alinia AI, a pioneer in AI alignment, has raised $2.4 million to ensure the responsible use of AI across industries.
The Safe Deployment of Generative AI: A New Era of Responsibility

The Safe Deployment of Generative AI: A New Era of Responsibility

As the world hurtles towards an AI-powered future, the importance of safe deployment cannot be overstated. The rapid adoption of generative AI comes with substantial challenges, including managing control and safety to prevent inappropriate or brand-damaging content. Regulatory efforts like the EU AI Act, Biden’s Executive Order, and Canada’s Bill C-27 demand rigorous safety checks and clear documentation.

The importance of AI safety cannot be overstated.

Evaluating the performance and reliability of generative AI applications from both safety and business dimensions is a top obstacle for the enterprise today. This is especially challenging for companies when leveraging advanced techniques like fine-tuning and RAG, maintaining LLM versions, and coordinating across teams including machine learning, governance, and business domain experts.

“The technology is not production-ready for business scenarios. Enterprise leaders are rightfully afraid of making headlines because their generative AI applications go rogue. Reputational harm keeps them up at night,” says Ariadna Font Llitjós, co-founder and CEO of Alinia.

Ariadna Font Llitjós, co-founder and CEO of Alinia.

Alinia AI, an alignment platform that enables companies to safely and controlled deploy generative AI, guided by their policies and business, has raised $2.4 million in Pre-Seed funding. The Alinia Alignment Platform aims to provide an integral AI governance approach, which currently requires multiple tools, ranging from evaluation and real-time monitoring to cutting-edge optimisation techniques, coupled with documentation features facilitating compliance at every stage of the LLM lifecycle.

“In my experience at Hugging Face, governance and safety aspects of LLM development require incredible time and effort. But when you are about to release a foundation model that will be used millions of times, governance and safety are non-negotiables,” says Carlos Muñoz Ferrandis, co-founder & COO.

Hugging Face, a pioneer in open-source AI.

The funding will be used to hire additional talent to build the Alinia Alignment Platform, creating an end-to-end alignment process focused on safety and regulatory requirements, enabling safe and inclusive use of generative AI across LLM modalities and languages.

The future of AI alignment is bright.

With the rise of generative AI, the importance of safe deployment cannot be overstated. As we move forward in this new era of AI, it is crucial that we prioritize responsibility and safety above all else.

The future of AI is bright, but only if we prioritize responsibility and safety.