The Rise of Cheap Fakes: How Generative AI is Helping to Combat Misinformation

The rise of cheap fakes has significant implications for the way we consume and interact with media. This article explores the role of generative AI and large language models in combating misinformation and promoting media literacy.
The Rise of Cheap Fakes: How Generative AI is Helping to Combat Misinformation
Photo by Josh Gordon on Unsplash

The Rise of Cheap Fakes: How Generative AI is Helping to Combat Misinformation

The term “cheap fake” has been making headlines lately, but what exactly does it mean? And how are large language models and generative AI helping to combat the spread of misinformation?

In today’s digital age, editing software has become increasingly sophisticated, allowing individuals to manipulate and alter various forms of media, including photos, videos, and audio streams. This has led to the proliferation of “cheap fakes,” which are essentially manipulated media that are designed to deceive or mislead.

The power of generative AI in combating misinformation

However, the term “cheap fake” is somewhat of a misnomer. As Dr. Lance B. Eliot, a renowned expert on Artificial Intelligence, notes, the phrase “cheap fake” has been around for several years and is often used to describe manipulated media that is of poor quality. However, with the advancement of editing software and AI technology, the line between “cheap fakes” and sophisticated deepfakes has become increasingly blurred.

The blurred lines between cheap fakes and deepfakes

So, how can we combat the spread of misinformation in the digital age? One solution lies in the use of generative AI and large language models. These technologies are being used to develop sophisticated algorithms that can detect and flag manipulated media, helping to prevent the spread of misinformation.

The role of AI in detecting manipulated media

In addition, generative AI is also being used to create more sophisticated and realistic media, making it increasingly difficult to distinguish between what is real and what is fake. This has significant implications for the way we consume and interact with media, and highlights the need for increased media literacy and critical thinking.

The importance of media literacy in the digital age

In conclusion, the rise of cheap fakes is a wake-up call for us all. It highlights the need for increased vigilance and critical thinking in the digital age, and underscores the importance of developing sophisticated technologies that can detect and combat misinformation.


  • [1] Dr. Lance B. Eliot, “Cheap Fakes: The Rise of Manipulated Media”
  • [2] “The Future of Media: How Generative AI is Changing the Game”