The Calculator That Can Predict When You'll Die: What You Need to Know

A new AI chatbot can predict when you'll die with 78% accuracy. But what are the implications of this technology, and is there any benefit to knowing when you'll die?
The Calculator That Can Predict When You'll Die: What You Need to Know
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Can a Calculator Really Predict When You’ll Die?

As a journalist, I’ve always been fascinated by the latest advancements in artificial intelligence. Recently, I came across an AI chatbot that can predict when you’ll die with 78% accuracy. The chatbot, called Life2vec, was created by scientists in Denmark and the US, who fed data from Danish health and demographic records for six million people into the model.

How Does it Work?

The AI uses information such as income, profession, and medical records to determine how long you’ll live. Each of these factors has a code in the Danish data set, which the team converted into words. This enabled people’s lives to be summed up in data-rich sentences, including things like profession, income, injuries, and pregnancy history.

The AI then fits all of these words together like a jigsaw puzzle to determine how long the person will live. The team tested Life2vec on a group of people aged between 35 and 65, half of whom died between 2016 and 2020. Life2vec predicted who would die and who would live with startling accuracy – 78%.

The Implications

While the idea of a calculator predicting when you’ll die may seem morbid, it’s essential to consider the implications. The team behind Life2vec stresses that the AI must not fall into the hands of big business. They’re concerned that insurance companies could use this technology to determine premiums or even deny coverage.

However, the team also notes that similar technology is already out there. They’re likely being used on us already by big tech companies that have tonnes of data about us, and they’re using it to make predictions about us.

The Benefits

So, is there any benefit to knowing when you’ll die? According to the team, yes. Their framework allows researchers to discover potential mechanisms that impact life outcomes as well as the associated possibilities for personalised interventions.

In other words, knowing when you’ll die could help you make changes to your lifestyle to postpone it. It’s a sobering thought, but one that could ultimately lead to a longer and healthier life.

The Future of AI

As AI continues to advance, we can expect to see more technologies like Life2vec emerge. While it’s essential to consider the implications, it’s also crucial to recognize the potential benefits.

As I reflect on this technology, I’m reminded of the importance of living in the present. While it’s natural to be curious about our mortality, it’s essential to focus on the things that bring us joy and fulfillment.

Life expectancy is a complex issue, influenced by a range of factors.

In conclusion, the idea of a calculator predicting when you’ll die may seem like science fiction, but it’s a reality that we need to consider. While there are concerns about the implications, there are also potential benefits.

As we move forward, it’s essential to have open and honest discussions about the role of AI in our lives. By doing so, we can ensure that these technologies are used for the greater good.

Further Reading