Taiwan's AI Breakthrough: TAME Outperforms GPT-4 in Bar Exam

Taiwan has developed an open-source traditional Mandarin large language model that has outperformed GPT-4 in the Taiwanese bar exam, marking a significant breakthrough in AI technology.
Taiwan's AI Breakthrough: TAME Outperforms GPT-4 in Bar Exam

AI Unveiled: Taiwan’s Breakthrough in Traditional Chinese LLM

In a groundbreaking achievement, Taiwan has successfully developed an open-source traditional Mandarin large language model (LLM) that has outperformed GPT-4 in the Taiwanese bar exam. The project, dubbed Taiwan Mixture of Experts (TAME), is a collaborative effort between Chang Chun Group, Pegatron, Unimicron, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, TechOrange, and National Taiwan University.

AI illustration Artificial intelligence illustration

TAME was trained on nearly 500 billion tokens of data provided by its partners in their specialized fields, utilizing Nvidia’s Taipei-1 supercomputer in Kaohsiung. On its first attempt, the model achieved higher scores than 89% of test takers in last year’s bar exam, according to LegalSign.ai CEO Steven Chen.

The model’s impressive performance extends beyond the bar exam. After only a few months, it has already received outstanding marks in exams for university students, legal professionals, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, tour guides, and drivers. Out of 39 evaluations and nearly 3,000 questions, TAME outperformed all other available models, with an accuracy rate 6.8% higher than the second-place Claude-Opus and 9.3% higher than GPT-4.

Taiwan map Taiwan map

The TAME model is available for free online at https://twllm.com and is open-source, allowing developers and enterprises to access and fine-tune the model for their specific needs. An interactive chatbot version for the public was created by AMPIC, and the model can be downloaded on Github.

The development of TAME is a testament to Taiwan’s commitment to advancing AI technology. The project required 350,000 GPU hours and 1,285 working hours by 31 engineers, led by Pegatron associate vice president of AI development Andrew Hsiao. The model’s two specialties are localization for Taiwan and application for industry, making it an invaluable resource for the country’s businesses and developers.

AI development AI development

As TAME continues to evolve, it is likely to have a significant impact on various industries in Taiwan, from education to healthcare. With its impressive performance and versatility, the model is poised to become a game-changer in the world of AI.