Revolutionizing Healthcare: Google's Latest AI Advancements

Google's latest advancements in AI and LLMs are transforming the healthcare industry, from improving radiology workflows to ensuring health equity and empowering users with personal health metrics.
Revolutionizing Healthcare: Google's Latest AI Advancements

AI in Healthcare: Transforming the Industry with Google’s Latest Advancements

Google’s recent Check Up event unveiled a plethora of innovative offerings and advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the healthcare sector. Dr. Karen DeSalvo, Google Health’s chief health officer, emphasized the transformative potential of AI in healthcare, highlighting its ability to improve health on a planetary scale.

MedLM for Chest X-ray: Revolutionizing Radiology Workflows

Google’s vice president of engineering and research, Yossi Matias, announced the expansion of the MedLM family of models to include multimodal modalities, starting with MedLM for Chest X-ray. This new offering enables classification of findings, semantic search, and more, with the goal of improving the efficiency of radiologists’ workflows.

Medical Imaging

Clinical Workflows: Collaboration with HCA Healthcare

Google announced a collaboration with HCA Healthcare to align its AI with the clinical expertise of the healthcare provider. HCA is using the technology to engage patients and improve administrative workflows, such as documentation and medical record summarization.

AI and Health Equity: Ensuring Inclusive Models

Google built a dataset, Skin Condition Image Network (SCIN), to ensure AI models don’t do more harm than good. The dataset includes a diverse group of people with different levels of conditions and skin tones. Dr. Ivor Horn, director of health equity and product inclusion at Google, emphasized the importance of evaluating AI outcomes and ensuring health equity.

Diverse Skin Tones

Human Genome Sequencing: Improving Disease Diagnosis

Google’s research teams have been working to improve genome sequencing to identify variances in a person’s DNA, such as markers that identify an elevated risk of developing breast cancer. The company partnered with Stanford to study the use of DeepVariant to help identify disease-causing variants in critical NICU cases in a shorter period than standard care.

Personal Health LLM: Empowering Users with Fitbit Labs

Google announced it is building personal AI into its product portfolio for premium users to understand their personal health metrics. Fitbit Labs will bring together users’ multimodal time series health and wellness data, allowing users to generate charts for data points they wish to visualize and interact with insights in a freeform chat space.

Fitbit Wearable