Revolutionizing AI Optimization: The Power of Textual Feedback

Discover how TEXTGRAD, a novel framework, transforms AI optimization with textual feedback, achieving state-of-the-art results in code optimization, problem solving, and scientific applications.
Revolutionizing AI Optimization: The Power of Textual Feedback
Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash

Transforming AI Optimization with Textual Feedback

In a groundbreaking development, researchers from Stanford University and CZ Biohub have introduced TEXTGRAD, a robust framework that performs automatic differentiation through text. This innovative system leverages large language models (LLMs) to generate comprehensive, natural language suggestions to optimize variables in computation graphs.

The Power of Textual Feedback

TEXTGRAD is founded on three core principles: versatility, user-friendliness, and open-source accessibility. By mimicking PyTorch abstractions, the framework facilitates knowledge transfer and ease of use. Within the TEXTGRAD framework, differentiation and gradients serve as metaphors for the textual feedback from LLMs. Each AI system is represented as a computation graph, where variables are the inputs and outputs of complex (and potentially non-differentiable) functions.

Diverse Applications and Achievements

The research team demonstrated TEXTGRAD’s optimization capabilities across diverse domains, including:

  • Coding: Enhancing solutions to challenging coding problems from LeetCode, achieving a 20% performance improvement over GPT-4o and the best existing methods.
  • Problem Solving: Refining solutions at test-time, improving GPT-4o’s zero-shot performance on the Google-Proof Question Answering benchmark from 51% to 55%.
  • Reasoning: Optimizing prompts to elevate GPT-3.5’s performance, bringing it close to GPT-4 levels in various reasoning tasks.
  • Chemistry: Designing new small molecules with desirable drug-like properties and in silico binding affinity to drug targets.
  • Medicine: Optimizing radiation treatment plans for prostate cancer patients to achieve targeted dosages while minimizing side effects.

Through TEXTGRAD, the team achieved state-of-the-art results in code optimization and PhD-level question answering, enhanced prompts, and provided proof-of-concept results in scientific applications such as molecule development and treatment plan optimization.

TEXTGRAD merges the reasoning capabilities of LLMs with the decomposable efficiency of backpropagation, creating a comprehensive framework for optimizing AI systems across various domains.

TEXTGRAD’s optimization capabilities in coding, problem solving, and reasoning.

TEXTGRAD’s applications in chemistry and medicine, including molecule development and treatment plan optimization.


In summary, TEXTGRAD revolutionizes AI optimization by harnessing the power of textual feedback. By integrating LLMs with the efficiency of backpropagation, this framework opens up new avenues for optimizing AI systems across diverse domains. The code is available on the project’s GitHub, and the paper “TextGrad: Automatic ‘Differentiation’ via Text” is available on arXiv.