OpenAI Unveils CriticGPT: A New AI Model to Identify Mistakes in Code

OpenAI introduces CriticGPT, a new AI model designed to identify mistakes in code generated by ChatGPT. This innovative tool aims to improve the process of alignment in AI systems through Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF).
OpenAI Unveils CriticGPT: A New AI Model to Identify Mistakes in Code
Photo by Mahmud Thorif on Unsplash

OpenAI Unveils CriticGPT: A New AI Model to Identify Mistakes in Code

OpenAI has introduced a new AI model called CriticGPT, designed to help identify mistakes in code generated by ChatGPT. This innovative tool aims to improve the process of alignment in AI systems through Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), ultimately making the outputs from large language models more accurate.

How CriticGPT Works

Built using OpenAI’s flagship AI model GPT-4, CriticGPT was created to assist human AI reviewers in checking code generated by ChatGPT. The research paper titled ‘LLM Critics Help Catch LLM Bugs’ demonstrated decent competency when analyzing code and identifying errors that help humans spot hallucinations they may not notice on their own. The researchers trained CriticGPT on a dataset of code samples with bugs inserted on purpose, enabling it to recognize and flag coding errors.

Image: CriticGPT logo

The Benefits of CriticGPT

The study found that notes given by CriticGPT were preferred by annotators over human notes in 63% of instances involving LLM errors. The tool was also found to assist human reviewers in writing more comprehensive critiques using a new technique called ‘Force Sampling Beam Search,’ while reducing hallucination rates compared to human-only and AI-only critiques.

‘CriticGPT is a significant step forward in improving the accuracy of code generated by ChatGPT.’ - OpenAI Researcher

Customizing CriticGPT

Users can adjust the thoroughness of the tool when looking for bugs and exert more control over its tendency to hallucinate or highlight ’errors’ that don’t exist. However, CriticGPT is not without its limitations. It may struggle to evaluate longer and more complex tasks since it is trained on comparatively brief responses from ChatGPT.

Image: Code review process

The Future of Code Review

The introduction of CriticGPT marks a significant milestone in the development of AI-powered code review tools. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more advanced tools that can help improve the accuracy and efficiency of code review processes.

Image: AI-powered code review


CriticGPT is an exciting new tool that has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach code review. By leveraging the power of AI, we can improve the accuracy and efficiency of code review processes, ultimately leading to better software development outcomes.