Localising Gen AI: IBM and AI Singapore Join Forces

IBM and AI Singapore partner to develop a large language model tailored to the Southeast Asian context, empowering organisations with more flexibility in choosing the right AI models.
Localising Gen AI: IBM and AI Singapore Join Forces
Photo by Daan Huttinga on Unsplash

Localising Gen AI: IBM and AI Singapore Join Forces

In a significant move to develop a large language model tailored to the Southeast Asian context, IBM and AI Singapore (AISG) have partnered to test the SEA-LION large language model (LLM) using IBM’s artificial intelligence (AI) technology and data platform, WatsonX.

Localising AI for Southeast Asia

This collaboration aims to empower organisations with more flexibility in choosing the right AI models to meet their business needs. By incorporating the SEA-LION model into IBM’s AI use case library, Digital Self-Serve Co-Create Experience (DSCE), data scientists, developers, and engineers can explore localised generative AI to accelerate their work.

“AI Singapore’s SEA-LION LLM is a big step forward in creating an open AI system and in addressing the ASEAN language challenges that companies and governments face when working with AI.” - Catherine Lian, IBM’s General Manager and Technology Leader of ASEAN

Democratising AI for ASEAN Nations

Both organisations share a common goal of democratising AI and fostering an inclusive AI environment for ASEAN nations. This collaboration is a testament to the significance of public and private partnerships in anchoring deep AI capabilities for the region.

“This collaboration is a testament to the significance of public and private partnerships, as we strive to anchor deep AI capabilities for the region.” - Leslie Teo, AISG Senior Director of AI Products

Incorporating AI Governance

IBM and AISG plan to incorporate AI governance into SEA-LION, helping companies manage AI compliance, risk management, and model lifecycle management.

Ensuring Responsible AI Adoption

By working together, IBM and AISG aim to expand the adoption of SEA-LION across various use cases, helping Southeast Asian organisations scale AI safely and responsibly.