Kinara Ara-2: The Edge Processor That's Redefining LLM Capabilities

Discover how the Kinara Ara-2 processor is redefining LLM capabilities in edge computing, with its unique combination of hardware and software support.
Kinara Ara-2: The Edge Processor That's Redefining LLM Capabilities
Photo by pouriya kafaei on Unsplash

Kinara Ara-2: The Edge Processor That’s Redefining LLM Capabilities

The world of large language models (LLMs) has witnessed significant advancements in recent years, with various processors vying to provide the necessary computational power to support these complex models. However, one processor that’s been making waves in the industry is the Kinara Ara-2, which has demonstrated its ability to handle even the most demanding LLMs with ease.

The Power of Kinara Ara-2

A recent video on Kinara’s website showcases the Ara-2 processor effortlessly executing the Qwen1.5-7B model, a testament to the processor’s capabilities. According to Wajahat Qadeer, Kinara’s chief architect, this is made possible by the processor’s unique combination of hardware and software. The hardware is designed to be flexible, supporting various operations such as matrix multiplications, softmax functions, and layer normalization, all of which are essential for LLMs. Additionally, the processor boasts sufficient bandwidth and memory to support large models, making it an ideal choice for LLM applications.

The Kinara Ara-2 processor, capable of handling demanding LLMs

Software Support for LLMs

Kinara’s software also plays a crucial role in supporting LLMs, offering various quantization options that enable the processor to handle large models efficiently. This combination of hardware and software has enabled Kinara to achieve an impressive 12 tokens per second on LLMs with 7 billion parameters. Qadeer notes that this is a significant achievement, especially considering the processor’s low power consumption.

Qwen: The Open-Source LLM

The Qwen model, which is available as open-source under the Apache 2.0 license, is supported by Alibaba Cloud (Tongyi Qianwen) and represents a range of models in various sizes (e.g., 0.5B, 4B, 7B, 14B, 32B, 72B) with different functions such as chat, speech understanding, logical reasoning, mathematics, and coding. Qwen can understand spoken commands and execute them in multiple languages, without being limited to specific text sequences.

The Qwen model, a range of open-source LLMs


The Kinara Ara-2 processor has demonstrated its capabilities in handling demanding LLMs, making it an attractive choice for applications that require efficient processing of large language models. With its unique combination of hardware and software, the Ara-2 processor is poised to redefine the boundaries of LLM capabilities in the edge computing space.