IBM and AI Singapore Join Forces to Enhance Sea-Lion LLM

IBM and AI Singapore have partnered to enhance Sea-Lion, the region's first large language model. The collaboration aims to make the model more accessible to data scientists and engineers through IBM's AI use case library.
IBM and AI Singapore Join Forces to Enhance Sea-Lion LLM

IBM and AI Singapore Join Forces to Enhance Sea-Lion LLM

In a significant development, IBM has partnered with AI Singapore to bolster Sea-Lion, the region’s first large language model (LLM). This collaboration aims to enhance the model’s capabilities, making it more accessible to data scientists and engineers through IBM’s AI use case library.

AI Singapore and IBM join forces to enhance Sea-Lion LLM

Under this agreement, both parties will test Sea-Lion using IBM’s AI technology, including its data and AI platform, watsonx. The partnership will also facilitate technical exchanges and knowledge sharing to further enhance the model.

“The collaboration will enable the development of more advanced AI models that can be used in various industries, such as healthcare and finance,” said a spokesperson from AI Singapore.

One of the key objectives of this partnership is to incorporate AI governance into the model. This will assist companies in managing AI compliance, risk management, and model lifecycle management.

AI governance: a crucial aspect of AI development

To drive adoption, IBM will incorporate Sea-Lion into its AI use case library. This will enable data scientists, developers, and engineers to explore the use of localized generative AI models to support different use cases.

Sea-Lion to be incorporated into IBM’s AI use case library

The partnership between IBM and AI Singapore is expected to have a significant impact on the development of AI in the region. With Sea-Lion, the region’s first LLM, data scientists and engineers will have access to a powerful tool that can support various use cases.

The partnership is expected to drive AI adoption in the region

In conclusion, the collaboration between IBM and AI Singapore is a significant step forward in the development of AI in the region. With Sea-Lion, the region’s first LLM, data scientists and engineers will have access to a powerful tool that can support various use cases.

Sea-Lion: the region’s first large language model