Breaking Barriers: Core42's Arabic LLM Now Available on Microsoft Azure

Core42's Arabic LLM, JAIS 30B Chat, is now available on Microsoft Azure, bridging the gap in generative AI accessibility for Arabic speakers and empowering individuals and organizations worldwide to leverage AI for diverse applications.
Breaking Barriers: Core42's Arabic LLM Now Available on Microsoft Azure

Bridging the Gap: Core42’s Arabic LLM Now Available on Microsoft Azure

The AI landscape is witnessing a significant shift with the recent announcement of Core42’s Arabic Large Language Model (LLM), JAIS 30B Chat, being made available on Microsoft Azure. This collaboration marks a pivotal moment in the democratization of cutting-edge AI technologies, empowering individuals and organizations worldwide to leverage AI for diverse applications.

Microsoft Azure, a catalyst for AI innovation

The integration of JAIS 30B Chat with Microsoft Azure’s Model-as-a-Service offering provides a pre-trained model and infrastructure, allowing for customization to meet diverse needs and specifications. This development bridges the gap in generative AI accessibility for the world’s 422 million Arabic speakers, enabling use-cases such as connecting with end-users through localized solutions, opening new market opportunities, and facilitating multi-lingual driven innovation for developers.

“This next step in our collaboration with Microsoft signifies a pivotal moment in our commitment to equitable access to cutting-edge AI technologies.” - Talal Al Kaissi, Chief Product & Global Partnerships Officer at Core42

JAIS 30B Chat sets new industry standards with its unparalleled generative AI capabilities, excelling in cross-lingual conversations, retrieval augmented generation (RAG), summarization, content generation, and reasoning. Trained on a total of 1.63 trillion tokens, including a substantial contribution of 475 billion Arabic tokens, JAIS 30B Chat enhances logical reasoning abilities in both Arabic and English, positioning it as the premier Arabic LLM for high-quality output and complex downstream tasks.

![Arabic Language](_search_image Arabic language) The Arabic language, now empowered with cutting-edge AI capabilities

The availability of JAIS 30B Chat on Microsoft Azure is expected to have a transformative impact across industries, optimizing communication, service delivery, and workflow efficiency. It empowers education with language support and content translation, aids healthcare with patient management and translation services, and fuels creativity and engagement in the media and entertainment industry through content generation and summarization.

![Industry Transformation](_search_image Industry 4.0) Industry transformation, driven by AI innovation

As we move forward in this era of AI-driven innovation, it is crucial to recognize the significance of equitable access to cutting-edge technologies. The collaboration between Core42 and Microsoft Azure is a testament to the power of partnerships in driving positive societal impact and advancing the frontier of artificial intelligence for all.

![AI for All](_search_image AI for humanity) AI for all, a vision for a brighter future