AI Revolution: Journey to Human-Level Intelligence by 2030

Experts predict that Artificial Intelligence will match human intelligence by 2030. Explore insights from a recent workshop on AI advancements and challenges.
AI Revolution: Journey to Human-Level Intelligence by 2030

Unveiling the Future of AI: Experts Predict Human-Level Intelligence by 2030

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on the brink of a major breakthrough, with experts forecasting that it will rival human intelligence within the next decade. The recent workshop led by prominent figures in the AI landscape shed light on the advancements and challenges in achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) by 2030.

Prof. Siba Udgata addressing the participants

Inaugurating the workshop, Prof. Siba Udgata, a distinguished AI expert from the University of Hyderabad, made a bold prediction that AI will reach human intelligence levels by 2030. He stressed the necessity of developing AI models rich in general commonsense to pave the way for AGI. Privacy, security, and fairness in data collection were highlighted as crucial aspects of responsible AI development.

Dr. Akansha Kumar, Principal Data Scientist at Jio Platforms Limited, echoed the importance of continuous learning and collaboration in the rapidly evolving AI landscape. She emphasized the need for re-skilling and up-skilling to stay abreast of industry trends and innovations.

Prof. Radhika Mamidi, an Associate Professor at IIIT Hyderabad, underscored the pivotal role of youth in driving innovation in AI. She encouraged students to envision their future careers in AI research or industry, emphasizing the significance of a clear career trajectory.

Prof. Kolluru Sree Krishna, Dean of Faculty of Sciences at GITAM, virtually presided over the workshop, urging participants to seize the opportunity to engage with experts and explore new horizons in mathematics and AI research. The workshop, attended by approximately 150 participants, served as a platform for in-depth discussions and collaborations on the latest AI advancements and large language models.

Stay tuned for more updates on the evolving landscape of AI and the journey towards achieving Artificial General Intelligence by 2030.

By Kai Tanaka